Sunday, January 20, 2019

Fake news: Video evidence betrays left-wing media rush to judgement against MAGA hat wearing teens

Most of the media has a sickness. Many blogs too. It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's a rush to misjudgement that compels the unelected Democrats writing for Buzfeed, Vox, the New York Slimes, and the Washington Compost, to take any story about our president and his supporters, find a way to tar either of them--preferably both--and run with it.

Such is the case of a group of Kentucky high school students, some of them wearing MAGA hats who interacted with a few Native American activists, including one man singing and banging a drum, at the National Mall in Washington.

The day after Buzzfeed ended up with rotten eggs on its face over fake news about President Trump directing his personal lawyer to lie to Congress, came another attack on truth.

From the Spectator:
No lessons were learned from the story's collapse, either, to judge by the frenzy that next broke out from the same sort of people over the case of Covington Catholic High School and Native American activist Nathan Phillips. Once again, enlightened opinion did not wait on much evidence before reaching a verdict: a one-minute video clip of a teen in a red MAGA hat smirking right in front of Phillips while the elder beat a hand drum and sang was all the proof required. This was a hate-motivated outrage perpetrated by white Trump supporters. Case closed.
The narrative assumed that the Covington boys had surrounded Philips and stood right in his face, grinning in silent insult. When a second video seemed to show that it was in fact Phillips who had approached the teens, it received even less attention — much as those few voices of caution about Buzzfeed’s fable were ignored by the true believers. But there are more videos, including one that’s nine-minutes long and provides a great deal of interesting context.

The teen is not smirking in this clip, and Phillips has his an entourage with cameras. One of the Indian activists argues with a Covington teen, who argues back. This and other clips have shown the Indian activists racially taunting the teens, saying things like "go back to Europe." Phillips has claimed that the teens were chanting "build the wall!," but that isn’t in any of the videos that circulated Saturday. Based on what can actually be seen and heard, it’s looks as if Phillips and his crew sought out Catholic teenagers and tried to make them uncomfortable. And of course, they recorded it. (Notably, however, both the Indian activists and the Covington teens rein in the activist and teenager who get into a shouting match. An appropriate attempt at restraint was has been completely ignored.)

The videos appear to depict more than one engagement between the Indians and the Catholic teens, and without knowing which happened first, and what circumstances led to the first encounter, it’s hard to form any conclusions, if fairness is your objective. Maybe the teens chanted “Build the wall!” or something else at the Indian activists, which prompted Phillips to approach them. But so far, there’s no evidence to support that scenario, only the words of Phillips and his associates. That hasn’t stopped blue-checkmark media figures like former CNN blatherskite Reza Aslan from not only branding the teens as racists but in Aslan’s case musing about inflicting violence on them:
Peace and love, baby! ASS-lan says it's okay to slug a kid. What we see here is CNN's anti-family values.

More from Big League Politics:
Indisputable video evidence of the entire interaction shows the Native man approaching the boys as they stood doing school chants on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The press blatantly flipped the narrative around. The boy at the center of the video, who has been demonized and doxxed by internet crazies, did not approach the Native man. The Native man approached him.

Twitter user Joey Salads reached out to the boys to get their side of the story, a step that was hastily skipped by the mainstream press, eager to vilify Trump supporters in any way.
Wow. Salads performed real journalism. He, wait for it, sought out both sides!

The March for Life, for those of you in the mainstream media who never heard of it, is a pro-life event, and it always has tens-of-thousands of participants. It's an event that much of the media regularly ignores.


  1. One of the saddest parts of this fiasco is how so many self professed Conservatives fell for the Lefty propaganda and denounced those kids.
