Saturday, November 17, 2018

On this day in 1978: Star Wars The Holiday Special airs

Star Wars fans--and haters--can look back and laugh when they watch the Star Wars Holiday Special, which aired on this date in 1978.

It's Plan 9 from a galaxy far, far away. It's Battlefield Earth set on Kashyyyk, the planet of Chewbacca and the other Wookiees.

Want is wrong with it? The plot, such as it is, centers on Wookiees' Life Day, their version of Christmas or something like that.. But Wookiees don't talk in the manner humans and most of the other aliens within the Stat Wars universe do. How can anyone devise a story on them?

The main human Star Wars characters, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia, make brief appearances. Art Carney, Harvey Korman, and Bea Arthur, all solid talents, the latter two who were big stars at the time on CBS, which aired this black hole of a show, are in it much longer. Of course they have as much to do with Star Wars as Chewbacca does with opera singing.

Jefferson Starship, a vastly overrated band in my opinion, performs a song so bad you'd wish the Big Bang never happened.

Here is the spaceship wreck in its entirety.

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