Friday, September 28, 2018

Left-leaning ABA calls for delay on Kavanaugh vote

The American Bar Association is calling for a delay of the Senate confirmation vote of Judge Brett Kavanaugh into an FBI investigation of the decades-old sexual assault allegations against him.

The ABS is left-leaning. The conservative Federalist Society used to conduct an ABA Watch on its web site.


  1. Investigate an alleged event which occurred on an unknown date at an unknown place, and the alleged witnesses to the event all say that they have no recollection of it happening. Here I thought the ABA were lawyers but I guess ABA is the American Bozos Association.

  2. Well apparently Sen Flake has sided with the Bozos. He is calling for a delay in the confirmation so that the FBI can investigate. He says one week only, but you know how that works.
