Tuesday, August 07, 2018

From Real Clear Politics: President Trump, please help save Chicago.

Steve Cortes, a CNN contributor, wants President Donald Trump to rescue Chicago.

From Real Clear Politics:
Mr. President, children in a once-great American city cannot play in parks without fear and cannot attend schools where they can thrive. As a constitutionalist, I instinctively defer to federalism and prefer local control, but this situation spirals downward with such ferocity that federal intervention represents the only stabilizing remedy, especially in light of the cowardice of local leaders.

For the near term, our city needs military troops to guard streets in the most dangerous areas. Soldiers have historically been deployed after riots to achieve calm, and Chicago’s current riot is merely a slow-motion one. In addition, with the school year starting soon, a show of protective force – with many of the service members themselves black and brown – would assuage nervous parents. The president should also direct Attorney General Jeff Sessions to personally lead a task force located in Chicago to flood the city with assistance in the coming months, leveraging all the federal government’s powers of law enforcement. Longer term, we desperately need school choice and aggressive urban enterprise zones to encourage investment in the most blighted neighborhoods of the west and south sides.

In addition to protecting the precious lives of American citizens, such moves would also reap political gains. The Trump economic boom is already proving incredibly beneficial for minorities, sending black and Hispanic job markets to record highs. As a result, recent polling shows a surge of support among both black and Hispanic approval of President Trump. The burgeoning economic progress, combined with serious overtures to help the embattled minority communities of Chicago, would surely engender further political goodwill for Trump.

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