Tuesday, July 10, 2018

(Bloody Chicago) Fourth of July Weekend in Chicago, 5 Murdered, 24 Wounded in Shootings

Victor Maggio of Bloody Chicago hit the streets over the very long Independence Day weekend in the city. Of course he also covered the meddlesome priest, Father Michael Pfleger, and to swap of phrase from Lou Reed, his "busload of faith" at the Dan Ryan Expressway protest that blocked every inbound land of this busy thoroughfare. Maggio estimates that the Illinois State Police presence at the Pfleger protest--along with the dump trucks to, I guess, serve as a traffic control, cost taxpayers about $1 million.

By the way, did Pfleger even bother to file for a rally permit?

Yet the mayhem continued of the weekend. To be fair, the violence level was less than in previous years, but five people here shot to death and another 24 others were wounded.

1 comment:

  1. But I thought they shut down the highway to protest gangs shooting each other. That should have worked./s
