Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Leftist Chicago alderman demands free parking at police station for Cubs-Sox game--and he gets it

Blogger at Wrigley Field
John Arena, a Chicago alderman, is a typical leftist. He expects other people to pay his way.

There are very few parking lots near Wrigley Field, the home stadium of the Chicago Cubs. Parking nearby is of course is quite expensive, which is wht, on the rare occasions I attend a game there, I take CTA el trains.

But Arena, a leftist who endorsed Bernie Sanders for president--socialism is not popular in his "bungalow belt" ward by the way--doesn't want to do the environmentally-sound thing and take public transportation to Wrigley. He drives his car. And he demands free parking--at a police station no less.

Who would've thought? I'm more green than a leftist!

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Northwest Side Ald. John Arena (45th) is under fire for walking into the Chicago Police Department’s Town Hall District on May 11 — two blocks away from Wrigley — and demanding that he be allowed to park there so he and his family could attend the Cubs game against the White Sox.

“The alderman did approach the 19th District desk and asked if he could park in the police lot during the Cubs game,” Chicago Police Department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said Monday.

“An officer allowed him to park there, which was actually a violation of the district’s policy. The next day, Commander Marc Buslik issued a memo reminding officers that that lot is only reserved for on- and off-duty police officers. The purpose is so that officers can properly secure their weapons, since they’re not allowed inside Wrigley Field.”

Guglielmi said Arena was initially “told the lot was full,” but refused to take “no” for an answer.
For several years Arena has been tyring to ram through, despite vehement opposition in his ward, an affordable housing project in the Jefferson Park neighborhood.

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