Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Chris Kennedy announces for Illinois governor

Chris Kennedy, a Chicago North Shore Democrat, announced on YouTube that he is running for Illinois governor.

He attempts to look non-partisan in his video, stating, "I believe that compromise is not surrender."

Does that mean he will work to overthrow Boss Michael Madigan, the man who has singlehandedly destroyed Illinois? Madigan has been state House speaker for 32 of the last 34 years--he is chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party and his daughter is the state attorney general.

Probably not.

Illinois has the lowest credit rating of the 50 states, it has the worst-funded state public pension system, and about $11 billion in unpaid bills. Whose fault is that? Bruce Rauner, the Republican governor who has been office for just two years? Or Madigan, who's been in power since 1983?

While Kennedy is a newcomer to running for elective office, he's been dabbling in Illinois politics for years. So it's astounding to me that in addition to bringing up the paternal side of his family, which of course includes his father, Robert F. Kennedy, and his uncle, John F. Kennedy, he recalls his mother's side of the family, the Skakels, who he says "were always Republicans."

One of those Skakels is Michael, who is serving a life sentence for murder. When he was 15, Michael clubbed to death a teenage girl, Martha Moxley. The Skakel family's wealth and power protected this killer from justice for two decades.

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