Friday, February 10, 2017

Chicago schools CEO blames governor for cash problems, compares him to Trump

CPS school on the South Side
For many years Chicago Public Schools has spent more money than it takes in. Its bonds are rated as junk. Rather than blaming the Chicago Teachers Union and the enabling Democrats, such as Boss Michael Madigan, its CEO, Forest Claypool, is pointing his finger at Gov. Bruce Rauner.

The Republican reformer has many solid ideas to turn around Illinois, such as changing state law so municipalities and government agencies can declare bankruptcy. But bankruptcy would likely mean a "haircut" for pension benefits, so the that common-sense approach is anathema to the CTU.

It's not about "the kids" with teachers unions.

Earlier this week CPS students were sent home with a letter where Claypool blamed Rauner--who has been in office for just two years--for CPS' two decades of financial malfeasance.

And Claypool even brought President Trump into the conversation.

From CBS Chicago:
Taking aim at Rauner, Claypool said: "He's clearly adopting Donald Trump’s tactics of attacking vulnerable citizens in order to score political points."

In December, the governor vetoed a bill that would have sent $215 million to CPS for pension payments. It was supposed to include pension reforms; it didn’t. Claypool says that victimizes the majority of CPS students.

"He's attacking the children of immigrants. He's attacking racial minorities. He's attacking the poor," Claypool said.
Claypool must be very desperate. Rauner and Trump are popular downstate and if there is any hope of a CPS bailout, Chicago is going to need votes from downstate legislators.

Not smart.


  1. Claypool is a spineless asshole. Perhaps he should look at what Madigan and his minions has done to Illinois.

  2. If retired teachers don't get their pension payments students will suffer.

    Typical leftist 'logic' .
