Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Madiganstan: ILL-inois loses more people than any other state for third straight year

Abandoned house, Dixmoor, IL
One party rule by Democratic Party boss Mike Madigan is destroying Illinois. Voters chose a Republican reformer, Bruce Rauner, to stop the bleeding two years ago but Madigan, the Gerrymander King and speaker of the state House, is blocking him at every opportunity.

But Illinoisans are voting with their feet, including the Obama family. Yep, they are staying in Washington. Perhaps their Kenwood mansion can be converted into Section 8 housing.

From the Chicago Tribune:
For the third consecutive year, Illinois has lost more residents than any other state, losing 37,508 people in 2016, which puts its population at the lowest it has been in nearly a decade, according to U.S. census data released Tuesday.

Illinois is among just eight states to lose residents, putting its population at 12,801,539 people, its lowest since about 2009. Illinois' population first began to drop in 2014, when the state lost 11,961 people. That number more than doubled in 2015, with a loss of 28,497 people, and further multiplied in 2016.

"Illinois is a part of the country where, in general, during the recession, it held on to (people) who wanted to move to Sun Belt states. Now, it's losing them," said William Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution who analyzes census data.

"When you have a big state like Illinois, to lose population for three years in a row? That's cause for alarm," he added.

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