Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Chicago "monument to corruption," Morgan Finley, died last week

Here's more proof that only the good die young.

Former Clerk of the Cook County Circuit Court Morgan Finley, a Chicago Democrat, was called "a monument to corruption" by a judge, He died last week at 91.

Chicago and Illinois' corrupt nature didn't spring out of nowhere.

Mayor Richard J. Daley, the first Mayor Daley, was a mentor for Finley, who told him. "Never take a nickel. Just hand 'em your insurance card." Finley didn't stick with legal graft--he ignored Daley's advice.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Finley was the highest of 16 officials — including four aldermen — swept up in the Operation Incubator sting, where federal “moles” offered bribe money to politicians.

On Dec. 4, 1985, he was being served a stone crab lunch at Lake Point Tower by his friend, Michael Raymond, who handed a wad of money to Finley. Raymond, speaking clearly, for the benefit of the hidden FBI microphones, told Finley, "I got you the rest of the $25,000."

"For me?" Finley said, pocketing the cash.

At the trial, Assistant U.S. attorney Ira Raphaelson argued that Finley was "a hypocrite, a two-faced man, a man who had a dark side to his life, a man who sold his office."
Finley's legacy survives. Too bad.

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