Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Liberal columnist invites Trump to Chicago, forgets about March anti-Trump riot

Trump Tower, Chicago
Chicago Sun-Times political columnist Lynn Sweet, a hardened liberal, in response to Donald Trump's comments about spiraling Chiraq violence, on Monday invited the Republican nominee, who developed Trump Tower Chicago, to the city for a first hand look.

Well, Trump tried to hold a rally at the UIC Pavilion in March and was forced to cancel because an anti-Republican riot broke out, led in part by Black Lives Matter radicals who never seem to protest the daily carnage on Chiraq streets.

Do your research, Lynn. Or just use your memory. Sheesh.


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Sweet says the guns are coming from Indiana. But what she fails to see is Indiana has people living there too and they don't shoot people like people in Chicago. Why is that? Same capability of acquiring a firearm, same general vicinity; what makes Indiana residents less likely to shoot someone?
