Sunday, July 24, 2016

Why this conservative will miss Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Debbie Wasserman
Okay, yes, the headline is provocative, but I absolutely what I wrote up there.

Because of her obvious bias in pushing the flawed candidacy of the dishonest and corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton--something that was exposed in the latest Wikileaks email release, US Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), the chair of the Democratic National Committee, was compelled to resign this afternoon. Her departure will be a distraction--a major one--as the Dem convention kicks off on Monday. And yes, it's a bigger deal than the alleged "plagiarism" by Melania Trump's speechwriter that the mainstream media obsessed about during last week's Republican National Convention.

Oh, but I've wandered away from my point. I will miss Wasserman Schultz because when she appears on television she is arrogant, inflexible, and deaf to criticism. In other words, just like the Democratic Party.

DWS is not a polished turd like most other Democratic Party mouthpieces. But she's the real deal--and I'm going to miss pointing at her and yelling to Democrats, "There she is! You are her and she is you!"

Another turd will take her place. A polished one, to be sure.


  1. Lanceman11:21 PM

    The Nathan Thurm of politics. Without the cigarette.

  2. News reports say that her temporary replacement will be Donna Brazzile, so you are correct sir.
