Tuesday, July 19, 2016

#DishonestMedia talking about Melania's "plagiarism" to distract from Benghazi victim mother's speech

Last night at the Republican National Convention Melania Trump, who is not an experienced public speaker, or a lawyer like Michelle Obama, gave a pretty good speech about child-rearing and the future. It was high on platitudes and low on specifics.

Also addressing the convention was Patricia Smith, whose son was killed in the Benghazi attack. Smith, who is also not experienced in speaking in public, recounted how Hillary Clinton lied to her when she said that said that spontaneous fury from a Z-list YouTube video was behind the attack at our consulate in the Libyan city. But beforehand Obama's secretary of state emailed her daughter and explained to her that Benghazi was a planned terror attack.

But the lying media, to which having a Republican president is an anathema, is pushing a flimsy story that the generalizations in Ms. Trump'c convention speech is "plagiarism" because it covered some of the same topics in Michelle Obama's 2008 Democratic National Convention address.

The mainstream media needs to be replaced.

#AlwaysTrump. Never the #DishonestMedia.

1 comment:

  1. Two Trump signs were stolen from Main Street in Huntley.

    Since I didn't have an image of a Trump sign, Marathon Pundit is getting coverage on McHenry County Blog.
