Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sing it live next time! Anger over woman's tape played while gay men's chorus "performed" anthem

I'm confused. I thought it was okay to be transgendered. Also, if the chorus actually sang the anthem at last night's San Diego Padres game, there wouldn't have been a problem.

From the San Diego Union-Tribune:
The San Diego Gay Men's Chorus is calling for an investigation of a mixup that occurred at a San Diego Padres game Saturday night, when a recording of a woman's voice was played over 100 male chorus members who took the field to perform the national anthem.

The anthem is not always performed live, and this was an instance where a taped version was to be played with the performers on the field. Saturday was scheduled as a "Pride Night" game, aimed at engaging lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender baseball fans. Members of the chorus said they were shocked and embarrassed by the incident, and want to find out how it happened.

"I really want to believe that it was an error," said Bob Lehman, executive director of the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus. "But the first thought was, did they do this on purpose?"
Investigation? Puh-leaze!

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