Friday, April 08, 2016

New sordid details in Hastert case

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) destroyed boys' lives while he was a teacher and a wrestling coach.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Though some of the incidents described involved massages, one, involving “Individual B,” was more graphic:

"One day during his freshman year, when Individual B was 14 years old, Individual B was alone in the locker room with defendant after Individual B had worked out. Either just after Individual B showered or while Individual B changed by his locker, defendant told Individual B to get on a table so defendant could 'loosen him up.' Individual B lay on the table face-down and defendant started massaging him. Defendant had Individual B turn over so Individual B was lying face-up on the table. Defendant then performed a sexual act on Individual B.”

Also in the memo were descriptions of other Hastert behavior, including this:

"Individual D recalled that defendant put a 'Lazyboy'-type chair in direct view of the shower stalls in the locker room where he sat while the boys showered."

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