Friday, April 01, 2016

CPS files complaint on lawbreaking Chicago Teachers Union

Lawbreaking teachers at Wildwood School this morning
Finally! A Chicago bureaucrat shows some guts!

From CBS Chicago:
Chicago Public Schools has filed a complaint against the Chicago Teachers Union, asking a state panel to bar members from striking again and to make the labor organization pay the school system's costs associated with the mass walkout of teachers on Friday.

CPS CEO Forrest Claypool says the school system is asking the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board for a "permanent injunction" that prohibits similar teachers strikes in the future.

"We think it's important that it be clearly established that whether children are in school and being educated is not subject to the whims of the Chicago Teachers Union leadership," Claypool said during a news conference Friday afternoon. "It is subject to clear, unambiguous state law."

In addition, school officials have asked the state labor panel to force the CTU to reimburse CPS and its partner agencies for the expense of hosting children Friday at hundreds of locations.
The teachers who didn't show up to work today broke the law.

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