Friday, January 01, 2016

UAW goons intimidating workers who opt out of membership by publishing their names

There is a long history of unions intimidating those who don't support them.

Here's another chapter, courtesy of the Detroit News:
A local United Auto Workers chapter in Warren is singling out workers who decide to opt out of the union.

In a recent UAW Local 412 newsletter obtained by The Detroit News, a list of 43 workers "who choose not to pay their fair share" was published alongside "conditions" that will apply to workers who opt out and no longer pay — or partially pay — union dues.

Listed conditions for "ex-UAW members" range from rudimentary things such as not being allowed to attend union functions or vote in local elections, to having to "pay all unpaid dues and/or dues in arrears as well as an initiation fee" if one decides to rejoin the union.

Singling out workers who decide to leave the union isn't unprecedented, but it's seen by some as an intimidation tactic to deter others from leaving — and pressure those who have left to rejoin.
"It's a bullying tactic, says Vincent Vernuccio of the Mackinac Institute. "There's nothing else to it."

Yep, that's right.

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