Wednesday, January 06, 2016

91-year-old Detroit murder victim who was beaten and burned to death had gasoline in stomach

As I commented in November when I posted an entry about this story, had the 91-year-old victim been black--and the alleged arsonist and murderer been white, we would have heard a lot more about the death of the retired TV repairman, who lived just south of Eight Mile Road in Detroit.

The alleged killer is 17-year-old George Stewart IV, a a neighbor of the victim.

From the Detroit News:
The 91-year-old Detroit man who was found beaten and burned to death in his home may have been force-fed a flammable liquid before he was set on fire, an assistant Wayne County medical examiner testified Tuesday a hearing for the teen accused of the killing.

Dr. Kilak Kesha said an autopsy found Paul Monchnik had a fifth of a cup of a by-product of an accelerant that was possibly gasoline. He said the victim may have been forced to drink it.

"It would have to come through the mouth,: Kesha testified in 36th District Court. "The victim could have drank it or (had it put into his open mouth while he was unconscious)."
All lives matter. Anyone who tells you differently is a racist.

Related post:

Detroit teen arrested for murder of 91-year-old who was beaten, shot, then set on fire

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