Sunday, February 15, 2015

(Video) Yemen crisis "very problematic" for Obama

On Fox News Sunday this morning, AP's Julie Pace remarked that the White House uses terms such as "strategic patience" and "long term commitments" in regards to the upheavals in the Middle East.

That's how the Obama administration looked at Yemen. But that nation's government was overthrown last month by Shiite radicals, which Pace says is "very problematic" for Obama.

1 comment:

  1. Yemen falling is a little bit more than 'problematic' for the national security of the United States!

    When will the American sheeple, the mainstream media along with many conservative pundits, realize that Obama is more likely the Manchurian President than he is merely a fool, a narcissist and an incompetent?

    Hopefully before it is too late!

    Watch 'Music Video: There's a Muslim living in the White House' at
