Thursday, February 19, 2015

Democratic state senator compares Illinois governor to "ISIS warrior fighting a battle"

As I wrote in a post last night, in reform governor Bruce Rauner, Illinois for the first time in sixteen years has a governor who vows to fight runaway spending. But some politicians, mostly Democrats, feel that the state should continue to spend money that it does not have. That led state Sen. Donne Trotter (D-Chicago) to say that the Land of Lincoln's new Republican is running the state "as if he was an ISIS warrior fighting a battle, not against the state of Illinois but against the people of Illinois."

Related post:

Rauner on his IL budget: An end to "the irresponsible and reckless practices of the past"

1 comment:

  1. It must be nice to say the most vile drivel then oh I take it back? I would respect him more if he just stood by what he said no matter how idiotic it is.
