Thursday, October 02, 2014

Obama vilifies income inequality in speech after $50K-a-person fundraiser for failed IL governor Pat Quinn

Isn't Northwestern beautiful?
This is item rich even if ILL-inois is so poor.

From the Chicago Tribune:
In a day of contradictory messaging, President Barack Obama on Thursday assailed income inequality and the stagnant earnings of the middle class after appearing at a $50,000-a-person Gold Coast fundraiser for Gov. Pat Quinn.

Obama, who returned to Washington after arriving in his hometown the night before, spoke to 25 people behind closed doors at the home of Meredith Bluhm-Wolf, the daughter of casino owner, developer and long-time Democratic donor Neil Bluhm.
Obama's class warfare speech took place a few miles north at Northwestern University in Evanston, where yearly tuition and fees set students back by over $40,000 a year.

Illinois' economy lags the rest of the nation. Tax-and-spend-even-more Democrats have controlled the governor's office and the General Assembly for over 11 years. Quinn and the Dems rammed through a 67 percent "temporary" personal income tax hike that added an additional millstone to the economy. That tax increase was supposed to pay bills, but the Prairie State is still burdened by a backlog of over $4 billion in unpaid bills, and $100 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. The best way to improve the lot of low wage workers is to dump Quinn for Republican businessman Bruce Rauner.

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