Sunday, October 05, 2014

Martin Sheen campaigns for failed IL guv Pat Quinn at Catholic church

Pat Quinn's Illinois flag
Pat Quinn's six years as governor has been a cruel death march. Out of control debt--a backlog of over $4 billion in unpaid bills--over the nation's worst pension debt, two scandals, and the lowest-workforce participation in 35 years are among the lowlights of the Quinn era. Chicago Democrat has no record to run on, so what is he to do? Drag in Hollywood liberal Martin Sheen to campaign for him.

Sheen spoke of Quinn's effort to raise the minimum wage--which will of course mean fewer jobs--among a plethora of Quinn-Vallas campaign signs on the steps of St. Pius V Catholic Church on Chicago's West Side. Yep, on church property. Don't believe me? Watch. Standing next to Quinn and Sheen is the church's pastor, Father Brendan Curran OP.

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, a Democrat and the daughter of House Speaker Michael Madigan will receive the St. Pius V Parish Community Service Award at the St. Pius V annual Celebrating the Harvest banquet later this month. Lisa is a candidate for reelection next month, as is Quinn. What kind of church is this?

As for Rod Blagojevich's former lieutenant governor, he signed into the law legislation that legalized gay marriage in Illinois, which the church opposes. Quinn is a Catholic.

Paul Schrimpf is the Republican candidate for state attorney general. Bruce Rauner is the GOP candidate for governor.

Related post:

"Social justice" nuns to meet with Quinn today at rally--will they discuss abortion?

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