Monday, September 15, 2014

Venezuela's economic failure causes breast implant shortage

The socialist economic policies of the late Hugo Chavez are now causing considerable pain in Venezuela.

The South American nation, known for its beautiful, yet surgically enhanced women, might have to struggle along with average looking babes for a while.

From AP:
Venezuela's chronic shortages have begun to encroach on a cultural cornerstone: the boob job.

Beauty-obsessed Venezuelans face a scarcity of brand-name breast implants, and women are so desperate that they and their doctors are turning to devices that are the wrong size or made in China, with less rigorous quality standards.

Venezuelans once had easy access to implants approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But doctors say they are now all-but impossible to find because restrictive currency controls have deprived local businesses of the cash to import foreign goods. It may not be the gravest shortfall facing the socialist South American country, but surgeons say the issue cuts to the psyche of the image-conscious Venezuelan woman.

"The women are complaining," said Ramon Zapata, president of the Society of Plastic Surgeons. "Venezuelan women are very concerned with their self-esteem."
Socialism, in ways that even its critics can't envision, always fails.

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