Monday, September 15, 2014

Obama cult: Illinois school district renames two schools, one for each Obama

Rockford, Illinois patriot
The Obama regime is still in power but a south suburban Chicago school district can't wait to rename two schools--one for Barack and one for Michelle.

From NBC 5 Chicago:
South Chicago suburbs Park Forest and Chicago Heights have renamed two area schools in tribute to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

Those Cook County cities, which comprise School District 163, announced on Monday that Beacon Hill School, grades 4-8, now goes by the Barack Obama School of Leadership and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), while Forest Trail School, 4-8, has been named Michelle Obama School of Technology and the Arts (STARS).

"The Obama name was selected for the two schools because the values that the First Family models are unparalleled precedents and are values that our students strive to emulate. I believe we are the first schools in the nation to honor the First Family in this manner," Joyce Carmine, district superintendent, said in a statement. "School District 163 has a strong legacy of promoting innovation and the reconfiguration and creation of the two Obama schools will continue this legacy."
When they lived in Chicago, the Obamas chose not to send their daughters to a public school--they chose an expensive private institution instead. If the Obamas promoted school choice for everyone--now that would be innovative. As for values, didn't the First Family used to "pal around" with former domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn?

And the second shoes have yet to drop on the Obama scandals that include Fast and Furious, VA Waiting List, Benghazi, and IRS Tea Party targeting.

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