Saturday, September 20, 2014

Illinois woman holds burglar at gunpoint until cops arrive

Illinois' flag on the right
A northwest suburban Chicago man, Noah I. Perlman of Palatine, who police say has been burgalrizing units in the apartment complex where he lives. got a deservedly-hostile welcome from one of his flatmates.

From the Daily Herald:
Police responded to a 9-1-1 call at 10:47 a.m. Thursday for a burglary in progress.

The 34-year-old resident told police she noticed damage to her front door when she arrived home and then found Perlman in her bedroom, police said.

When she saw he had a hammer and large screwdriver, she retrieved a handgun and confronted him, police said.

She told police that, fearing for her life, she fired at Perlman but missed. Then she held him at gunpoint until police arrived.
The cops can't be everywhere at all times. This woman did the right thing.

Look for the New York Times to pick up this story. (I'm just kidding.)

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