Tuesday, September 16, 2014

ILL-inois: New subpoena in Quinn NRI scanal

Pat Quinn's Illinois flag
The subpoenas continue to pile up as investigation continues into Pat Quinn's so called anti-violence drive, which is turning out to have been nothing more than a vote-buying racket.

From the Chicago Tribune:
A new subpoena seeking records about Gov. Pat Quinn's botched 2010 anti-violence program has been issued, this time from a federal grand jury based in Chicago.

The request marks the first subpoena issued by Chicago-based federal authorities in the probe into Quinn's $54.5 million Neighborhood Recovery Initiative. Numerous prior subpoenas had come from federal authorities in Springfield.

The federal grand jury in Springfield has subpoenaed emails from the governor's former chief of staff, Jack Lavin, and several others heavily involved in implementing the program.
Lavin, by the way, is now a lobbyist. He left the state's payroll only a year ago.

The decent people who remain in Illinois have a much better choice for governor on Election Day--Republican businessman Bruce Rauner.

To follow Rauner on Facebook, click here. To follow him on Twitter, click here.

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