Tuesday, September 30, 2014

ILL-inois: Another Big Labor front group shilling for Quinn

Chicago Sun-Times Building
Land of Lincoln patriots: It's time to tell your friends to get out and vote for Bruce Rauner in November. We cannot afford another four years of America's most unpopular and most inept governor.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Major unions are pumping big money into a November ballot question about raising Illinois' minimum wage which in reality is a political tool to energize Democratic voters who are also more than likely to vote for Gov. Pat Quinn and other Democrats down the ticket.

Last July, Quinn signed a bill putting on the November ballot a statewide advisory question about raising the minimum wage in Illinois for adults over the age of 18 to $10 an hour by Jan. 1, 2015.

To help organize support for this ballot question — with the anticipated byproduct turning out voters for Quinn, locked in a tight battle with GOP nominee Bruce Rauner and other Democratic candidates — on Aug. 14 a new political committee was formed in Illinois, the Committee to Reduce Income Inequality and to Support Human Rights.

In reality, this is a front group for the Illinois AFL-CIO. The officers of this new committee, Michael Carrigan and Timothy Drea, are the president and the secretary treasurer of the Springfield based Illinois AFL-CIO. The committee is running the "Vote Yes on ballot initiatives" campaign.
Repeat--the minimum wage question on the fall ballot is only an advisory referendum.

There is another union front group shilling for Quinn--the Illinois Freedom PAC.

To follow Rauner on Facebook, click here. To follow him on Twitter, click here.

To contribute to the Rauner campaign, click here.

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