Friday, September 05, 2014

Friday news dump: IRS says it "lost" emails of five additional employees

News dump time
It's Friday evening, the perfect time for the Obama administration to release embarrassing news in the hopes that you don't learn about it. This tactic is known as a Friday news dump.

That's where bloggers such as myself come in. And you can help too by spreading this news through social media--there are buttons at the bottom of this post for you to easily do so.

From AP:
The Internal Revenue Service has lost emails from five more employees who are part of congressional probes into the treatment of conservative groups that applied for tax-exempt status, the tax service disclosed Friday.

The IRS said in June that it could not locate an untold number of emails to and from Lois Lerner, who headed the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status. The revelation set off a new round of investigations and congressional hearings.

On Friday, the IRS issued a report to Congress saying the agency also lost emails from five other employees related to the probe, including two agents who worked in a Cincinnati office processing applications for tax-exempt status.

The disclosure came on the same day the Senate's subcommittee on investigations released competing reports on how the IRS handled applications from political groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections.
The IRS Scandal is deep into cover-up mode.

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