Sunday, September 28, 2014

An early unhappy Halloween: Obamas coming to Chicago to campaign for Quinn

Chicagoans will be getting an early but unhappy Halloween president early in October. President Obama, in the midst of the what even his supporters have to admit is the worst year of his presidency, will be making a rare visit to his adopted hometown later this week to attend some fundraisers and to campaign for his fellow Chicago Democrat, the inept Gov. Pat Quinn.

And the following Tuesday, Michelle Obama, who students nationwide agree has ruined the school lunch program, will be in Chicago to stump for Quinn.

Last week Obama's former chief-of-staff, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, reversed his decision to name a North Side high school after his old boss after Chicagoans complained.

Illinoisans needn't be frightened anymore. Bruce Rauner is running against Quinn.

Rauner, a Republican businessman, is a far better choice for governor.

To follow Rauner on Facebook, click here. To follow him on Twitter, click here.

To contribute to the Rauner campaign, click here

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