Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What is your favorite memory of the Global Warming Winter of 2014?

My favorite memory: Running on New Year's Day
As I write this entry, it is 1 degree Fahrenheit in Morton Grove, Illinois, below zero in much of the Upper Midwest, and a blizzard is pummeling the Northeast.

Back to where I live: Earlier this month two feet of snow fell across the Chicago area and we suffered from the coldest temperatures in twenty years.

What is your favorite memory of the Global Warming Winter of 2014?

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  1. The Polar Vortex


    Better than Sharknado

  2. The ship full of Climate Warming Scientist getting stuck in the ice.

  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    -15 degrees at work and the wind chills making it feel like -20!It sure is warming up in NH!

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Record coldest high temp ever recorded for date 1/22/2014 in Philadelphia PA 16 degrees

  5. While cleaning windows at work the windex froze on the glass. I had to get a blade to scrape it off!!!!
