Thursday, January 23, 2014

Stossel: Let's cool off on global warming

Fox News' John Stossel offer some sane thoughts on the global warming hysteria.
Environmental activists say that if we don't love their regulations, we "don't care about the earth." Bunk. We can love nature and still hate the tyranny of bureaucrats' rules. We do need some rules. It's good that government built sewage treatment plants.

Today, the rivers around Manhattan are so clean that I swim in them. It's good that we forced industry to stop polluting the air. Scrubbers in smokestacks and catalytic converters on cars made our lives better.

The air gets cleaner every time someone replaces an old car with a new one. But those were measures against real pollution -- soot, particulates, sulfur, etc.

What global warming hysterics want to fight is merely carbon dioxide. That's what plants breathe. CO2 may prove to be a problem, but we don't know that now.
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