Friday, January 10, 2014

Global warming: Chicago has already used half its snow removal budget

For those you who live in the Chicago area, you already know that heavy snow can occur as late as early April. And we're only 1/3 of our way into January.

But don't worry, global warming will come to the rescue of Chicago's beancounters.

From the Chicago Tribune:
The City of Chicago already has used about half its 2014 plowing budget trying to deal with the deep snow and intense cold that took hold this month.

The city has spent $11.2 million since Dec. 31 on snow removal, according to city spokesman Bill McCaffrey. That's $1 million from the 2013 plow budget and $10.2 million in 2014 funds.

That includes $7.2 million worth of salt, $2.5 million in labor costs, including overtime for plow drivers, and $1.5 million in equipment costs, according to numbers McCaffrey provided.

The city's total 2014 snow removal budget is about $20 million, but Chicago mayors always spend as much money as they need to in order to deal with snow, regardless of the cost. And this winter could be an expensive one.
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