Sunday, January 19, 2014

Get off of my lawn: Book festival kicked out of National Mall by NPS to protect grass

During the government shutdown we saw the Obama-cized National Park Service use Barrycades to keep people out of the people's parks.

The NPS thinks the parks belong to them. Last year it denied a permit for a world renowned ultra-marathon in Death Valley National Park that had been held there for years.

Now, citing Obama-era regulations, the National Park Service is denying a permit for the National Book Festival at the National Mall in Washington DC. This is not an outlier event, the festival is sponsor is the Library of Congress.

Why? To protect the grass on the mall. Not some endangered species of grass, but lawn variety green stuff, the same type of grass on Clint Eastwood's lawn in Gran Torino.

What has happened to my country?

The Mall is correctly dubbed America's Front Yard.

There has to be a another way to protect that grass.

Related post:

"Orwellian" NPS suspends running and cycling events in Death Valley

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1 comment:

  1. Any lawncare professional could put a price tag on how much it would cost to restore the lawn if damage actually shows up. Require that much in escrow and have a post event analysis that transfers the required amounts to a fund to repair the grass.

    This is not brain surgery.
