For members of the Chicago Teachers Union there are four Rs: reading, 'riting, 'rithmatc--and radicalism.
According to the US Department of Education, 79 percent of eighth graders at Chicago's public schools are not proficient at their grade-level in reading and 80 percent of them aren't proficient in math at their grade-level.
But the Occupy-endorsing Chicago Teachers Union is made up of members who are well-versed in left-wing radicalism. And for those teachers who aren't--they have an opportunity to improve their skills on Saturday at the Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair. For the unenlightened, "social justice" is a catch-all term for extreme-left politics. And the fair, organized by Teachers for Social Justice, is being co-sponsored by the CTU.
Chicago's school kids aren't learning much. But their teachers are so radical.
The fist in the poster is a nice touch, don't you think?
Technorati tags: education labor unions politics news Illinois chicago illinois politics chicago politics chicago teachers union
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