Monday, July 02, 2012

(Video) Joe Walsh town hall: "Obama's aim is to put everyone on government-run health care"

"Let me be really simplistic," US Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) said during yesterday's town hall meeting in Elk Grove Village, "Obama's aim is to put everyone on government-run health care."

Walsh, a Tea Party freshman, spent most of the town hall discussing ObamaCare and its effects. For instance, Walsh stated that "[e]very small business owner tells us it's the biggest single government thing holding them back from creating jobs."

Of the over 2,000 ObamaCare waivers issued by the White House, Walsh asked of the president, "Why would you do that if it's such a great thing?"

"Premiums, we now know--and by the way, guys this estimate will go up--are going to be $20,000 for a family of four by the year 2016," Walsh asserted.

Don't believe him? Here's the Congressional Budget Office study where Walsh got his figures.

"ObamaCare will decimate Medicare," Walsh declared, then added, "If you're on Medicare Advantage, say 'goodbye.'"

"Here's another one of Obama's lies," he continued, "'If you like your health care, you can keep it.'" The audience responded with laughter.

"We know that 60-80 million Americans--and that's just the start--are going to be tossed off of their employer-based health care plans," Walsh warned.

A the end of the clip Walsh engaged the video trackers from Think Progress and the campaign of his Democratic opponent, Tammy Duckworth, by shouting, "I wish that President Obama had the courage to stand here with me and defend government-run health care--single payer--because that's what he wants."

And yes, ObamaCare is a tax.

Click here to contribute to Walsh's campaign.

Earlier post:

(Video) Joe Walsh at town hall: "Your country that you love is going through a revolution to save its very soul"

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    "Let me be really simplistic," luckily everything that comes out of Walsh's mouth is just that.
