Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fox News/Google debate wrap

Another GOP debate is over, the third one in ten days.

The winner? It's a tie, I believe. Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. The back-and-forth between them will be the major story over the next few days and their tussles will likely crowd out the other candidates; message. Perry's answer on his support for in-state tuition for illegals may give him problems, however. And while Romney did say that on his first day as president he will issue an executive order for ObamaCare waivers for all 50 states, the persistent attacks against ObamaCare by the other contenders may draw increased attention to RomneyCare.

Best lines from each candidate in the debate, starting with my winner for best sound bite, the former governor of New Mexico.

Gary Johnson: "My next door neighbor's two dogs have created more shovel-ready jobs than this current administration."

Michele Bachmann: "Barack Obama seems to think when you earn money it belongs to him."

Herman Cain: "Let me make it clear that if you mess with Israel, you are messing with the United States of America."

Mitt Romney: "As president, I will stand up to the teachers unions."

Ron Paul: "Government destroys jobs, the market creates jobs."

Jon Huntsman: "This is the worst time to raise taxes and everyone knows it."

Rick Santorum: "We should be fighting wars to win, not fighting wars for politics."

Newt Gingrich: "Nothing will turn America around more than when on election day Barack Obama loses decisively."

Rick Perry: "I erred on the side of life and will always err on the side of life." (In regards to his controversial executive order mandating cervical cancer vaccinations for 12 year-olds.)

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