Friday, November 05, 2010

Jan Schakowsky: The face of liberalism

Sadly, Joel Pollak was not able to add Illinois' 9th congressional district to the three GOP House wins in the Land of Lincoln--probably four, assuming Joe Walsh hangs on to his lead in the 8th.

The winner in the 9th, Jan Schakowsky, showed the truth face of liberalism Tuesday night after Alexi Giannoulias gave his concession speech. He was the Democratic candidate for the US Senate seat held by Rod Blagojevich appointee Roland Burris.

She's a "true believer." On the day voters rebuked progressivism--they libs don't like the "L" word, Schakowsky sticks to her tired FDR playbook.

Schakowsky plans to fight back, because the GOP favors "the rich." Sort of. The GOP wants to give everyone the opportunity to be rich. Liberals will never figure that out.

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1 comment:

  1. Liberals can't understand why some folks like the idea of the opportunity, instead of the safety of being given everything.

    The weird thing is the better off a liberal is, the more they don't understand that.

    Jan is the classic liberal due to guilt I think
