Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Anti-surge Obama to address nation on Iraq success

President Obama, who opposed the successful 2007 Iraq troop surge, will address the nation this evening on the occasion of pulling our last combat troops from that nation.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) presents a different viewpoint than what Obama will probably express tonight:

From Politico:

Hours before President Barack Obama’s address to the nation on Iraq, House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio will challenge the commander in chief caustically for his handling of the Middle East.

"Some leaders who opposed, criticized and fought tooth and nail to stop the surge strategy now proudly claim credit for the results," Boehner will say in remarks prepared for delivery to the American Legion’s 92nd national convention in Milwaukee. "Today we mark not the defeat those voices anticipated — but progress."

The speech follows a Boehner address on the economy last week, as the would-be House speaker updates his policy chops.

"I support our counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan, but the president must do more to emphasize his commitment to ensuring its success rather than focusing on meeting arbitrary deadlines for withdrawal," Boehner will tell the American Legion. “Using campaign promises as a yardstick to measure success in Iraq and Afghanistan runs the risk of triggering artificial victory laps and premature withdrawal dates unconnected to conditions on the ground."
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