Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rural Illinois residents think wind farms blow

A proposal has been on the table to build a wind farm in the ocean off of Cape Cod, where many of our liberal elitists have vacation homes or live there full-time. For the most part they oppose the Cape Wind project--that's because they want wind farms not where they live--but where you live.

Places like Lee and DeKalb Counties in northern Illinois. That's a Lee County complex on the right.

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that many residents there are furious about the noisy wind turbines--which occasionally collapse--as well as shadow flicker (think of a flashing giant neon sign) which some say leads to phyisological problems such as migraine headaches and vertigo. Wind energy trade groups deny the turbines cause health problems.

Maybe. But as I wrote last year in my post about California's Shiloh Wind Farm, windmills are profecient killers of birds

Despite Obama's hawking of green energy, wind will never be more than a supplement to our electricity needs--wind speeds are strongest when we are sleeping, energy is almost impossible to store, and wind farms, at least for now, are in rural areas far from consumers--which means lots of overhead transmission lines that people hate.

What about green jobs, the supposed saviour of our economy? Spain their green jobs initiative actually is a net-jobs loser, and in Germany their grüne arbeitsplätze drive is a jobs-killer too.

Related posts:

Wind farm neighbors not happy

California Collision: Shiloh Wind Farm

That '70s Show is in reruns--thanks to Obama

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1 comment:

  1. its so ignorant to deny a such a Eadofbo way of producing energy. Especially for comfort reasons, tho i do imagine it gets loud in the winter.
