Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Schakowsky implicated in lesbian affair with Turkish spy

According to the cover story of the November issue of the American Conservative, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), arguably the most liberal member of the House, may have, as Joni Mitchell once sang, "Looked at love from both sides now." Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI Turkish and Farsi translator, tells a bizarre story about my very own congresscritter.

EDMONDS: Yes, and in 2000, another representative was added to the list, Jan Schakowsky, the Democratic congresswoman from Illinois. Turkish agents started gathering information on her, and they found out that she was bisexual. So a Turkish agent struck up a relationship with her. When Jan Schakowsky’s mother died, the Turkish woman went to the funeral, hoping to exploit her vulnerability. They later were intimate in Schakowsky's townhouse, which had been set up with recording devices and hidden cameras. They needed Schakowsky and her husband Robert Creamer to perform certain illegal operational facilitations for them in Illinois. They already had Hastert, the mayor, and several other Illinois state senators involved. I don't know if Congresswoman Schakowsky ever was actually blackmailed or did anything for the Turkish woman.

Hastert of course is former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL). As for Creamer, he served a six month sentence in a federal prison for kiting checks. As for everything else, you have to read the whole article, which, perhaps for legal reasons, is presented in a straight interview format, rather than a narrative.

A Schakowsky spokesman vehemently denies the allegations, labeling them "complete fantasy," and likening them to the belief shared amongst "birthers" that Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States.

Hat tip to Chicago News Bench.

Related posts:

Jan Schakowsky, ACORN, and no phone call

Schakowsky town hall report

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  1. Thanks for the link, John. Hope you can make it to Jan's OFA shindig on Sept. 26.

  2. There is not shortage in interesting characters in you part of the country!

  3. " None for me Turkish . . .I'm Sweet enough!" - Bricktop in Snatch

  4. Let's see...if this story is false, Jan will most certainly sue the pants off someone. If it's true...hmmm.

  5. It may well be false, as much as I find Jan a perfectly odious carbon footprint, the House and the JD should make a thorough investigation - Schakowsky should resign from the House Intelligence Committee immediately.
