Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fresh air from Alaska: Sen. Murkowski to offer bill banning EPA from regulating carbon dioxide

Before the end of the year, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to issue a ruling--probably at the urging of Barack Obama's climate change czar--declaring greenhouse gases as hazardous. Which would allow the EPA--who elects them, by the way?--to use its unelected muscle against power plants, factories, and who knows what else.

It will be expensive. Who will pay?


Coming to the rescue of ordinary Americans, according to Politico, is a woman from Alaska. No, not Sarah Palin.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) plans to introduce an amendment Thursday morning banning the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating carbon dioxide.

The proposal is fiercely opposed by the administration, which sees EPA action as a way to pressure the Senate into passing cap and trade legislation curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Prospects for the bill have dimmed in recent weeks, as the health care debate has taken center stage.

"We don't think the amendment is a good idea," White House climate advisor Carol Browner said on Tuesday. “It could get you a situation where activities that should go forward — like investments in carbon capture and storage — wouldn't be able to go forward."

The amendment would stop the EPA from issuing new regulations capping greenhouse gases emissions from utilities and factories for one year. Murkowski plans to ask for her amendment to be brought up before the cloture vote on the Interior and Environmental Appropriations bill, according to aides.

Hooray for Murkowski!

Oh, who elects these czars?

Related post:

Breaking: Rep: Kevin McCarthy says Mark Kirk won't vote for cap and trade if it comes back to House for reconcile

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