Patriots, over 4,000 of them, gathered yesterday in Orlando, Florida for another Tea Party. These Floridians, fed up with bailouts and pork barrel spending, couldn't wait for the tax day events.
Dear friend of the blog Andrea Shea King not only was there, but she was the headline speaker for the rally.
Click here for her report.
Lloyd Marcus, pictured on the right, entertained the crowd with his song, "American Tea Party."
Mainstream media outlets for the most party have been barely covering, or not covering at all, similar Tea Parties. But the Orlando Sentinel did its job and reported on the event.
Related posts:
April 15--Attend a Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party
Media overlooks latest Tea Party
Pitchfork populism at the Chicago Tea Party
Technorati tags: business news government politics chicago illinois tea party bailouts media newspapers orlando florida
Thanks for the coverage, John. Everyone involved in the Orlando event appreciates it.