Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stimulus for what?

In an editorial this morning, the San Francisco Chronicle raises some concerns about the economic stimulus bill.

Few dispute the need for a powerful stimulus to revive the nation's basket-case economy. The president and both parties in Congress are in sync on that much.

But exactly what should be in the $825 billion package that's due to be hammered out over the next three weeks? All sides - the White House, Democrats on Capitol Hill and their GOP counterparts - have yet to supply cogent explanations as the competing shopping lists are toted up.

The op-ed concludes:

There's no more important task than repairing this nation's economy, and, by extension, the world's. There is little time and enormous pressure for results. But before the solutions are chosen, the administration must present a clear rationale for which items will qualify - and why - for an enormous spending plan that is supposed to lay the foundation for an economic recovery. That hasn't happened yet

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1 comment:

  1. We all know the help Acorn gave the Democrats in winning the last election. What was in it for them? Is 4 billion dollars enough?
    Democrats attempt to pay off Acorn
