Friday, December 19, 2008

Illinois' crisis will continue, Blago not backing down

I just got done watching Illinois' disgraceful governor, Rod Blagojevich, tell his imagined supporters (Are they living under the floorboards of the State of Illinois Center?) that he will be "vindicated" when the various investigations of him are over. "I am not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing," Blago said.

His hair looked nice, by the way.

The bi-partisan push to get Blago out of office isn't going to end. Meanwhile, the Democrat who the Chicago Tribune declared as the "governor who cannot govern" last year, that's right last year, will continue to not govern in his ubiquitous way. As governor.

If the above paragraph doesn't make sense, that means you don't live in Illinois.

One point the national media will miss is this: Blago actually went to his office Chicago's State of Illinois Center. That's a rarity. Fox News' Chris Wallace made a comment during his analysis of Chicago Democrat's mini-address about Blago governing in Springfield. Even though the central Illinois city has been the state capital since Abraham Lincoln worked to put it there, Blago refuses to live in governor's mansion, and is a stranger to Springfield even when the General Assembly is in session.

Because he is the "governor who cannot govern."

And the nation's fifth-most populous state will remain adrift.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:31 PM

    There's always California, land of
    the fruits nuts and flakes.
    The governator will be boch
