Blogging at the Republican National Convention, Xcel Center, St. Paul Minnesota.
Jon Voight has been all over the place at the RNC, giving interviews to any media members who asked. Several bloggers here in the press filing center have seen him a couple of times, I saw him yesterdat afternoon, giving an interview of course, in front of talk radio row.
Voight won an Academy Award for Best Actor in the anti-war film "Coming Home" in 1978. His political views were liberal then, he's now a solid conservative.
I saw a whole bunch of other big names today, including Fox News Channel contributor Mary Katherine Ham, Michael Medved, and while after walking past the security check point into the Xcel Center, but before the metal detectors, it was just myself, a blogger friend, and "Bush's Brain," Karl Rove--with his assistant.
We walked past each other, and I calmly said, "Hello Mr. Rove." He said "hello" back.
Absolutely awesome.
Technorati tags: Politics RNC St. Paul elections McCain Republican Jon Voight movies entertainment Karl Rove
Great to see you with Skye on her vlog tonight! Have fund and get some rest!