Just two days ago, CNN named Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT) as a possible Barack Obama vice presidential pick. On that same day, one of the three members of the Obama's vice presidential selection committee, Jim Johnson, resigned from that panel because of questions about special loans he received from disgraced lender Countrywide Financial.
Stick with me...this is gonna get good!
I think it's safe to say Dodd, who is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, is no longer a likely veep pick, because--surprise!--Conde Nast Portfolio magazine is reporting that Dodd received special interest rates as did other "friends" of the Countrywide's chairman, Angelo Mozilo.
Just prior to his resignation, Johnson met in the Senate office, with fellow committee member Eric "Pardongate" Holder, of Kent Conrad (D-ND).
But Conrad, according to the same magazine, took part in the "friends" program of Countrywide, as have a few others, including some Republicans.
During the recently concluded Democratic nomination contest (Yeah, I know the convention is in August), Obama denounced the apparent malfeasance of Countrywide Financial.
Technorati tags: Obama Barack Obama Election Democrats Politics subprime Countrywide mortgages Dodd North Dakota connecticut Kent Conrad
Now Hussein O's half brother has verified the Hussein O was reared as a Muslem which means he is still a muslem. Maybe an Apostate, but still a muzzie.