Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Obama Brand" headed to the discount bin

As you'll read in the my 2007 post about the "Obama Brand," the term was not conceived out of, ahem, cynicisim, but by Barark Obama's inner circle.

And the "Obama Brand" isn't a highly valued item on the political store shelf, as Lynn Sweet writes in this morning's Chicago Sun-Times:

The Obama team has always been very conscious and protective of the Sen. Barack Obama "brand." After a tough Pennsylvania contest, Obama's brand is bruised. Obama is not as pristine as he once was. He's had to deal with a series of controversies and he's gone negative against Sen. Hillary Clinton -- as she has attacked him.

In various degrees, all political candidates have to project some sort of image, people respond to images. But only Obama's staff has been bold enough to call their candidate a "brand."

Related post:

The Obama Brand: It's not for breakfast anymore

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1 comment:

  1. Obama is just airing out Hillary's dirty laundry to help the public swallow her presidency. McCain is a warhawk and 2/3rds of America is done with the war. So 2/3rds of the country is against McCain.

    It's a great big Marketing ploy. there's no point in voting or supporting Any of them cuz it's a total Fake out!
