Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Obama and Rev. Wright: It just makes me cynical

About this time last year, part of Obama's stump speech was about the need to combat cynicism. I'm sure there are plenty of members of the Cult of Change feeling pretty cynical this morning.

From friend-of-the-blog Richard Baehr in the American Thinker:

So why did (the Detroit NAACP and National Press Club performances) by Wright finally create the need for Obama to speak up more forcefully? That answer is simple: falling poll numbers in Indiana, North Carolina and nationally, and to that, we can safely conclude, Barack Obama takes great offense.

One of the charter members of the Obama media worship team, Chris Matthews, has already compared Obama's "courageous" actions in denouncing Wright to those of King Henry II telling Thomas Becket where to get off 8 centuries ago. That comparison will likely not resonate with many voters. Tom Shales, Hendrik Hertzberg, Andrew Sullivan, and other members of this flack troupe are sure to chime in with their vigorous applause, and with pleas for the media to get back to the real story of George Bush's crimes against humanity.

Barack Obama has been showing up at Wright's church for close to 20 years and was exposed to his brand of crackpot racist anti-American lunacy on more than one occasion during this long period. So it is really way too generous, I think, to applaud the Senator for his dramatic "Sister Souljah moment" with his late-to-the party denunciation of Wright. A real Sister Souljah moment would have required leaving Trinity Church before Wright became politically inconvenient for Obama, and not when Wright is beginning to threaten Obama's bid for the Democratic nomination.

Falling poll numbers the real reason for Obama distancing himself from Wright? It sure makes me cynical.

Chrissie Matthews, by the way, has a poor sense of history. Most of us know what happened to Archbishop Becket when Henry uttered "Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?" Shortly thereafter four knights murdered Becket in during a service at Canterbury Cathedral.

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  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Change and Hope, baby.

    Change and Hope.

    What'd I say about rookies running for president?

    Oh, and I think I might be remiss if I didn't add:


    Jumpona' Obama, folks ... c'mon, it's fun.

  2. I imagine that Wright was upset about having all the national attention of Nation that he so openly detests.

    That Nation just might demand to look at the books of Trinty UCC's 'faith based initiatives.'

    If you think Wright's mad now, give it a couple of weeks.
