If Barack Obama was not in church that particular day, he belonged to that church for 20 years. He made a donation of more than $20,000 to that church.
In all that time, he never had a clue as to what kind of man Jeremiah Wright was? Give me a break!
You can't be with someone for 20 years, call him your mentor, and not know about his racist and anti-American views.
Neither Barack Obama nor his media spinmeisters can put this story behind him with some facile election-year rhetoric. If Senator Obama wants to run with the rabbits and hunt with the hounds, then at least let the rabbits and the hounds know that.
Technorati tags: Obama politics Barack Obama Election Democrats Jeremiah Wright race current events religion Cult of Change
I think Obama's going to have a very hard time putting this behind him -- and he should. Coming after his wife's remarks about being ashamed of America, this suggests that Obama's been exposed to a tremendous amount of radical, bigoted attitude. I'm honestly sorry that this is true.