Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mayor Daley says phooey on Chicago foie gras ban

North Side Chicago Alderman Joe Moore has gotten the national attention he richly craves on two issues this year. One of course is his jihad against retail giant Wal-Mart.

The other is his desire to rid America's third largest city of the goose liver delicacy foie gras. The dozen or so Chicago restaurants and hotels that serve it will have to strike it from their menus by the end of this month.

It's safe to say that most Chicagoans have never had foie gras pass between their lips, so unless the foie gras is served piping hot, the gourmet treat is not a burning issue in Chicago.

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has commented that Chicago public officials should focus on more important issues.

Yesterday, he elaborated on his disgust with Joe Moore's bill.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:

Mayor Daley urged the City Council on Tuesday to come to its senses and repeal a foie gras ban that has made Chicago an international laughingstock in restaurant circles.

"Why would they pick this and not anything else? How about veal? How about chicken? How about steak -- beef? . . . Where do you begin and where do you end? People say veal is basically cruelty to animals. I mean -- you could go on and on," Daley said.

"They have to re-evaluate this. . . . They should come together and figure out what they've done and realize that it's a silly law. . . . It's the silliest law they've ever passed. . . . If there's five or six restaurants [that sell foie gras] and we think that's the highest priority in city government, they've lost sight of what priorities are about."

Daley also said he's not about to direct city health inspectors to rush out and enforce the ban that took effect Tuesday. "We have other real issues confronting the people of Chicago," he said.

Related posts: Ald. Joe Moore, retail genius

Ald. Moore: Putting the unions' money where his mouth is

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